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2-6-09 // 8:30 pm

friday night makes sense again

NP: Nadine - "Lit Up From The Inside"

Something I'm only now coming to grips with: moving to California in 2005 irrevocably changed me, much as going off to college at age 17 did. And in both cases, even though there will always be pieces of my heart devoted to the place I left behind, both times I was also overjoyed to come home afterward.

I suppose what I'm getting at is that I'm finally understanding that it's alright to have a fondness for the past, as long as you're also feeling similarly warmly and strongly about the present. And I am. That's what I dig.

I'm still sorting through how I feel about...hell, just about everything that I've done in the past four years or so. But one thing's for sure, and this is something I haven't felt until just now -- I'm happy about all of it. There's been joy, there's been sorrow, but it's all touched me to the core, and I wouldn't trade the me it's forged for anything.

then / now