in the city

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8-21-03 // 5.44 pm

with loves and hates and passions just like mine

NP: The Smiths - "The Queen Is Dead"

I need to cool down, both literally and figuratively. It's a bloody oven outside (103F and about 115F or so heat index), and I've been short and irritable all day. Not sure why, perhaps the former feeds the latter.

My singing voice has been off-key and out of tune for weeks now. Ever since I had that sinus thing/sore throat some weeks back, really. It's driving me insane. I'm not an opera star or anything, but I used to at least be able to carry a tune. I hope this isn't permanent, for as it stands, I'm annoying the hell out of myself everytime I sing in the car, etc.

Now it's time to dash, Ryan S is here and I'm in desperate need of a game of Magic and a bite to eat.

then / now