in the city

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2-15-04 // 4.53 pm

scientists have found that the sun is a huge atom-smashing machine

It's a gloriously bright, cloudless winter's day today. The world looks very February at the moment, which I'm sure means nothing to anyone but myself. So yeah, I've thrown most of the blinds open and the late afternoon sun is filling the apartment with a very satisfying light.

Erin had to work till mid-evening last night so we just stayed in. I cooked a curry and we had a few drinks, it was very nice. Slept in this morning, Erin cooked scrambled eggs for breakfast, and we relaxed.

We went to the Science Center this afternoon, just kind of goofed around since a good portion of it is closed for renovation. Still fun, though.

Back to work in the morning, though I'm strangely OK with the fact.

OK, now it's time for a shower, I'm gross and unshaven.

then / now