in the city

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2-20-01 // 12.59 am

the bell tolls for thee

NP: Rush - "Signals"

Gushy people in cutesy relationships give me the heebie-jeebies. No offense to anyone who's in a new relationship, but still. I'm sure this stems from my current state of loneliness, but in any case, overt cutesiness must be stopped!

I don't feel like being deep, I don't want to ponder the meaning of existence. What the hell...I've got real problems to worry about. I sure hope those paychecks get here soon...I'd like to be able to buy food again.

In the back of my mind, I'm currently filled with contempt & love for a certain lady. Now I feel like I understand her the same time that makes me more at ease & yet even more lustful. These days, lust seems like the most useless emotion of them all...what, with no outlet for it and all.

I've dug through my record collection & I now have just about the entire "Weird Al" Yankovic discography stacked on the table next to me...tomorrow I will listen to it. Cross your fingers that I don't cause some sort of rift in the space-time continuum, OK?

All of these words are brought to you by mind-altering chemicals and the letter "R". Oh well, I'm gonna wake up in the morning and wish I'd never written any of this.

then / now