in the city

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3-26-03 // 10.47 am

loafing oafs in all-night chemists

Maddeningly variable as Moz' solo output has been, there's no doubt in my mind that this album is as good as anything he did with the Smiths. It's up there with "Your Arsenal" in terms of solo quality, and probably better in the long run, if I really think about it. If nothing else, the song Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself is a stone cold classic.

Earlier this morning, I successfully resisted the urge to eat one of the remaining free doughnuts in the break room, and instead grabbed a tomato juice and moved on. I mean, I'm trying to watch what I eat a bit more in attempt to lose this extra winter weight. Erin and I are already doing a "no alchohol for a month" experiment, so hopefully between no beer (and the associated eating that comes with an intoxicated state), being able to get outside and exercise more due to better weather, and being a bit more discriminating in my diet, I'll look and feel better.

Recently, due to the prevalence of misinformation and (was there or was there not an uprising in Basra? Get it straight and stop reporting shit if it isn't true or if details are very sketchy!) and propaganda, I find myself very apathetic towards caring about war in Iraq. Which is dangerous, I know, but still. I mean, I still check the AP wire and I'm still monitoring the situation, but I can't even be bothered to rant about it all today.

Yesterday after work, I spent about an hour and a half driving around the city in search of sporks. That's right, sporks. You know, that unique spoon/fork combination utentsil usually found in junior high school cafeterias? Erin wanted a load of them for an art project she's working on, and since I was already out getting groceries on the way home from work, I volunteered for the hunt. Apparently I made a mistake in assuming sporks would be easy to find. I visited three different supermarket chains, two party supply stores, Walgreens, Drug Emporium, and a Deals For A Dollar. Nothing even remotely sporklike. The guy at the one party supply store didn't even know what I was talking about when I asked him if they had any in stock. So I came home empty-handed. After dinner, Erin and I tried again. Nothing at Wal-Mart, nothing at Target and another grocery store. No luck at Del Taco (a former spork bastion!), K-Mart, a liquor store, or 7-11. Finally, after nearing the point of exhaustion, we went into a Quick Trip on the way home. We found no sporks, but after asking the guy on duty, he took us over to the coffee area, where there was a huge compartment full of indivdually-wrapped sporks! He sold us like 40 of 'em for a buck. Best deal ever -- and Erin was ecstatic, which made me way happy. So yes, sporks = adventure.

Oh, and I saw a rainbow yesterday near dusk while I was out spork hunting. It was one of those odd skies where the cloud line associated with a front is directly over you, so one half of the sky is clear and a bit light with the setting sun, and the other half is dark with rain clouds. Right as the line between dark and light passed over me, I saw a rainbow off to the southeast. It was beautiful and unexpected and completely wonderful.

There's the usual big monthly project manager's meeting going on in my building today, which means the place is crawling with people. Never fun. Though the best thing I've seen so far today is a table set up in the hallway, covered with a white plastic tablecloth, featuring a folded-up paper sign on the top reading "turkey sandwich, chips, soda -- $4.25". As of this writing, the table had yet to feature sandwiches of any variety.

This has been one of those mornings where I'm working in short bursts. I need to dig in and focus, now. There are procedures to be modified and schedules to be met. Though I have a suspicious feeling that this is one of those days where I'm going to want to leave at lunch and not come back till tomorrow.

then / now