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6-6-08 // 10:16 am

would you leave a palace for a bedsit

NP: Marillion - "Real To Reel"

What a great record. I know it's overdubbed as hell, but it's a great live album and the versions of the songs on it sound way better and far more impassioned than the album versions. So yeah, I have decided it's a Fishy Marillion kind of morning. Greasepaint for everyone!

My mood today is far superior to yesterday's, thank Zarquon! It was nothing splitting a six-pack of Sierra Nevada, taking an evening's break, sitting in the back garden on a beautiful summer's evening, and talking and relating couldn't fix. The grand irony is that we were both feeling pretty much the same way, but neither of us wanted to admit it to the other person. She didn't want to admit that even though she's doing all of this right now for her and our future, that she's getting a little burned out and stuck in a rut with it all. Totally understandable. I didn't want to admit how I was feeling since I didn't want to seem like an ungrateful malcontent. Which I'm not, but I can only take so much at a time, you know?

In any case, all is well. Don't get me wrong, I'm worn out right now, and I'm looking forward to maybe just watching the Birds on TV tonight and maybe doing some reading. I'm dreaming of the long, long sleep-in I'm going to get tomorrow!

Oh, and Emerald Lies is still shit.

then / now