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7-4-01 // 11.35 pm

I put faith in the star we followed to this carribean surf

NP: Elton John - "Too Low for Zero"

So today was the 4th. Slept in a little bit this morning since I had the day off work. Took a walk in the early afternoon, but didn't enjoy it much since it was just unbearably hot & humid today. No wind at all to speak of, which made it even worse. Went to my aunt's house after a while...swam in the pool, got some sun, ate some food, played some washers (anyone else familiar with this pastime?), drank a few beers, etc. I ended up leaving a bit earlier than planned, as I just wasn't feeling terribly well. Extremely tired & a bit of a headache...perhaps I got too much sun. So I came home, took a few aspirin and just laid on the bed in my room, blinds shut. I'm feeling a bit better now, though I'm still tired and just 'blah'. So I ended up missing the fireworks display I go to every year...I was really looking forward to going, but I just was not up to it. Oh well, there's always next year.

Work tomorrow...sigh. Though most of the office will be empty, a lot of people are just taking the rest of the week off. So I guess things will be quiet if nothing else.

I'm off to bed here in a minute, I'll be glad when it's tomorrow. Before I go, here's a few new digicam shots.

This was supposed to be a pic to illustrate that I'm growing back my goatee thing. Though you can't really tell because of the lighting. That and it's only been like three days so far...future images will reveal more.

And, just for the hell of it, here's a pic of the freaky Ronald Reagan mask that sits on my computer desk, just to my left. It was part of a rather successful Halloween costume a few years back...

then / now