in the city

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7-28-03 // 11.37 pm

"I think western civilization is in its decline"

This morning I was tired, not feeling particularly well, and suffering from the usual Monday Morning Syndrome. I was, therefore, not pleased to find several emails detailing an emergency upon my arrival at the office. My tech lead (i.e. the guy who's actually paid to be in charge of this stuff) is out of town on family business so that left me to be the guy to get all sorts of shit dumped upon him. But that's alright, because even the most asinine work stuff can't get to me this week, as next week I am on vacation. Right on.

Erin and I fought last week, but I think we're dong alright now. We had a good weekend together (went to the City Museum -- rock!), and now we're dealing with the inevitable return to the stupid working week, complete with being tired in the evenings and incongruous schedules. But it's OK. Because I'm going to be working doubly hard to make time for Erin, to make time for not being tired, to make time for doing things.

Sometimes it's all as simple as listening to my rational brain as opposed to my emotional brain. I mean, there are times to think with each, but I need to always keep in mind when each one should be in charge.

This entry has been crap, but I've been out of the habit. Stay tuned for better writing in the near future. Maybe.

then / now