in the city

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8-1-03 // 9.35 am

"iced mocha!"

I write this entry from the St. Louis Bread Company location at Chippewa & Lansdowne, a few blocks from my apartment. WiFi, baby. So yes, here I sit, doing my 'net thing, eating an asiago cheese bagel and drinking a big mug of dark coffee, and I am supremely happy. It feels so yuppie or whatever, but then I've never really cared about labels and all that. What I do care about, however, is being able to eat a good breakfast in a public place while checking my email.

Tonight I'm seeing David Gray in concert. Second time, actually, I caught him on his last tour, too. My sister is driving up from Cape and she's coming with me, being that she's also a fan and the only person willing to accompany me. Erin just laughed when I asked her if she wanted to go, which made me laugh. But anyway, the show should be great, Mr. Gray puts on a good one.

Oh, and to top it all off, I started my vacation a day early! I just woke up this morning, called my manager, and she approved the slightly early start. Which is good, as I couldn't think of a good reason to go in to work today, anyway. I'm sort of between projects at the moment, and its' been supremely boring for most of this week.

Hrm, it appears that they've moved the concert from the hockey arena to the American Theatre. Which is interesting, considering that I didn't even think it was open anymore. I saw Moby there like three years ago, and it was billed as the last show ever at the venue. They opened up a new venue of that size in the Loop, which pretty much meant no more gigs at the American. But for whatever reason, it must be back in business now. I suppose that means I have to trek downtown this afternoon to exchange my tickets. Oh well, I'll just hop the metro, it's easy enough.

Erin and I went out for a curry last night, to this Indian place that's located in a former Polynesian restaurant at the top of an 11 story hotel near the airport. It sounds dreadful, but it's actually rather charming. The mixture of tiki torches and Hindu artwork rocks. Plus the service is outstanding and they make the most balanced (read: still very hot but also very flavorful) vindaloo in the city. So we came back and played Mario Party on the N64, but Erin got sidetracked when her friend Alison, whom she hadn't talked to for ages signed on IM. So I got a bit mad, which in hindsight was pretty ridiculous. In my defense, I was getting tired and I'd been trying to get around our differing schedules to have a night like this for days. But this morning, I felt pretty terrible about it. We did spent most of the evening together, and she hadn't talked to her friend for ages. I dunno, either way, I shouldn't have gotten angry.

Ah, the bagel has been consumed, and I'm about to go up for a coffee refill. You know, the last few weeks, after months and months of work beating me down, I'm finally beginning to feel like a human being again. Sitting here in this Bread Co., surrounded by people being leisurely on a Friday morning just cements it. I don't mean to speak in hyperbole, but I honestly feel it. Which is good -- I needed to feel that way again.

then / now