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8-3-08 // 7:18 pm

uncommonly joyous sunday evening

NP: Fleet Foxes - s/t

This LP is great, it's like medieval music crossed with "Pet Sounds" and '70s AM radio. Sounds horrible and pretentious on paper, but the record is fun and pretty and happy and affirming. I like.

I'm currently rediscovering my love for James Kochalka's "American Elf". He's totally right, it's about the rhythm of life. It just reaffirms for me the joy and beauty in the day to day, in the way a thousand million little moments make up days and weeks and months and years, and when you jam 'em all together, a life. "American Elf" is a justification for art. It's helping re-stir my creativity, too. The thing is, I'm a creative soul stuck in a technical body. That's why photography and me work so well together. It's art via the real world and a machine. But you still need an arty eye to make it work! It's a good thing photography exists, 'cause I can't paint or draw or play instruments worth shit.

It's a resplendent Sunday early evening...the sun is starting to think about going down, and it's casting a golden hue on everything. The rooftops and leaves are illuminated. It's joyously warm in the sun (I feel like a happy lizard on a rock on the balcony) and kinda enjoyably chilly in the apartment. I usually loathe Sunday nights...this one feels rather good.

It's funny to think about cheering on the Cardinals when I watch 'em on DVR. Anything I'm seeing happened an hour or two ago, if not more. Whatever could happen, has already happened. For a little while I talked myself out of cheering, but then I gave up and started doing it again. It doesn't feel right otherwise.

I saw Monkey napping on the bed and I made myself sad realizing I only have two weeks left with her. Only a little more time to soak up the chirping, affinity for water, general weirdness, and love. I could take her with me, but it'd be selfish. Yeah, I'm alloted a little selfishness in life, even a lot of selfishness. But I don't want to tear her away from her home, I don't want to break her and Ava up. If it was just me and Monkey, I'd probably make her endure the 2100 mile drive back to St. Louis, and the trauma of all of that relocation and resettling. But I think the best thing for her and her life and sense of home is to leave her here in northern California. As much as it pains me...seriously, it makes me tear up. I'm gonna miss the Monkey!

Time to get a beer & check on the Cards.

then / now