in the city

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8-11-08 // 5:53 pm


So I was walking home a little while ago, and I got to the little commercial strip down the road from my apartment, only to find that they had the entire main drag barricaded with yellow "Police line - do not cross" tape, about 20 (not exaggerating) cop cars across all the major intersections, and a fucking copter circling around. I stopped and asked one of the cops what was going on and he said "we're looking for someone". The whole scene was one minute away from a big booming megaphoned voice coming out of the sky saying "we have you surrounded! Come out with your hands up!" Fucking massive manhunt. The chopper is still circling my 'hood, it's annoyingly loud.

Six days to go till I leave California. Four more days of work -- hell yeah. I'm itching to pack the car up and hit the road. I'm basically 90% packed, everything has been pulled out, put in piles, organized and just needs to be actually stuffed in boxes. I just have to go out and, well, get the boxes. But since Sarah still hasn't got her own vehicle, I haven't had access to my car. Hopefully soon. She's coming over tomorrow evening to move some stuff around, so I'm hoping to comandeer it then for a few hours.

Otherwise, my two page to-do list is 95% done and it feels amazing! Work is being a bitch, but it's mostly just volume & my boss' need for me to over-document every aspect of my job. If she was a more competent boss she wouldn't need me to do this in the first place, but oh well. I'm almost outta here, and I'd rather maintain a good relationship for reference purposes. Plus, I just like the sense of moral superiority going the extra mile for these helpless babies.

Time to finish up household chores, then kick off my shoes and pour a well-deserved pint. Aaahhh...

then / now