in the city

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8-13-01 // 4.27 pm

you'll spend the end of your days gently smiling

NP: Elbow - "Asleep in the Back"

Earlier this afternoon I booked my plane tickets for my January UK tour! The fact that I'm actually going is really starting to sink in now that I have the official envelope of flight schedules and confirmation numbers. A summer's worth of hard work & saving paychecks paid off.

Going to the pub tonight with Ryan and hopefully some other folks. I'm heading back to the apartment on Wednesday so I'm hoping to see as many people as possible before I head back. I'm not looking forward to the physical act of's such a pain in the ass. I realize it's my own fault for owning so many CDs and LPs (not to mention the stereo equipment and computer), but still. I'll be glad to be back at my place, though. Not so keen on the idea of starting classes again, but at least this is my final semester. December graduation, here I come.

Now I'm off to mow the lawn...not something I particularly feel like doing. But I'm in a good mood at the moment, so I may as well take care of it now.

then / now