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8-21-10 // 1:44 pm

sometimes I am dumb

When feeling blue, blah, out-of-it, a little funked up, whatever, there are two options. I can wallow in it, feel controlled by it, think I'll never break out of it. Or, I can make a conscious decision to stop being a fucking lame-ass, and get up and do something I'm good at. Or at the very least, try. I'm always surprised by how well this buoys me; I shouldn't be, but then again, I'm not always the sharpest pencil in the box.

So I'm polishing off one of two partially written reviews, and contemplating a mini-nap. Or throwing on the highly-anticipated "Greenberg." Later I'm gonna hit the gym, then tonight it's movie night with the gang. Tomorrow, meeting up with friends for Rush at Riverport! Fourth, maybe fifth, time seeing them? Bring it on. Vacation starts a on Wednesday, leave for Boston Thursday morning. Can't wait to see the Beantown crew...I hope they like getting bear hugs.

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