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9-30-04 // 8.27 pm

nuclear vs. nuc-u-lar

I'm watching the first of the three presidential debates on TV right now. Kerry looks really good, although I think that might be only because he's right next to and speaking right before/after GW Bush. I've said before that I don't think Kerry is the greatest candidate, in fact I didn't think he was even one of the three or so best Democratic candidates. But seeing him, in all his stiff, centrist glory, up against Bush, I really want Kerry to win. I just can't stomach another four years of this neoconservative bullshit.

Our betta fish Frankie died this evening. At first I thought he was just sleeping motionlessly at the bottom of his bowl, as he often did. But he just hasn't moved. I dipped the handle of his cleaning scooper in to try to stir him and he didn't dart away as per usual. He didn't do anything, he just floated upside down with the current & then sank back to the bottom. My heart sank with him... Erin's going to be heartbroken when she gets home from class. Anyway, Frankie was a great fish, all blue-green shimmering scales and sprints around his bowl. We "liberated" him from Wal-Mart over two years ago, during the first summer Erin & I spent together in this apartment. The last thing I did every night before going to bed was to tap on his bowl and say hi, and the first thing I did each morning was to do the same and to also drop a few flakes of food in his bowl. He'd wriggle up to the top and twirl around as he ate. It was a good way to start many a dreary weekday morning. Sigh. So yeah, I know he was just a fish, but goodbye buddy, I'll miss you.

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