in the city

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10-18-09 // 9:31 am

I am what I am not

God, listen to me. Like I'm the kind of guy who even could manage to to pick up someone at a bar or whatever. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But I don't think I have it in me. I'm not particularly looking for a one night stand, although that last entry made me sound like some sort of prowling pick up artist. Ha! I think I just tend to gravitate here when I'm feeling that particular brand of...existential angst, if you get my drift.

My sleep schedule is all screwed up. Slept too late yesterday (as glorious as it was), as a result stayed up too late last night, woke up early-ish this morning and couldn't fall back to sleep. Plus my head kind of hurts and I can't sort out why. Bah. Maybe later I'll doze on the couch while watching the Rams fumble their way through another embarrassing loss.

then / now