in the city

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11-10-09 // 7:43 pm

how to disappear completely and never be found

Every two or so weeks I send Ryan S an email or a Facebook message, or I give him a call in Japan, 12 time zones away. I never get a reply. It's been maybe three months since I last got a transmission from him. Even that was a muted, terse conversation. He obviously didn't want to talk but felt compelled to get in touch for some reason. He's clearly avoiding me, along with all of our mutual friends. Whatever his reasons, not that I've even given him any reasons, I just wish he'd throw me a bone. I miss him. I always thought he'd be one of the handful of friends I never lost; we've known each other and leaned on each other for almost 15 years! For him to disappear into whatever black hole or self-righteous Bermuda Triangle he's fallen into...I dunno, it's his life but it hurts to be cut out like this. I only want to say hi, let him know I care, find out how he's doing. If he wasn't half a world away, I'd grab a six pack, drive by his house, pound on the door till he opened up, and that'd be at least an olive branch. But what can you do to find someone who doesn't want to be found?

then / now