in the city

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11-12-03 // 8.47 pm

"thirst for blood?! aw, bring it!"

Just finished up eating a curry (chicken madras, for the curryspotter constituent) and watching Dave Attell stumble his way around Salt Lake City on "Insomniac". He wasn't nearly as drunk as he usually gets on the show.

I found out that my famously incognito friend Jon will be coming down for Ryan H's bachelor thing on Saturday. Coolness. It's all going to be very low-key, but I'm really looking forward to this weekend nonetheless. I'm just super psyched to see (almost) everyone in one place for an evening of hanging out.

This is an actual paragraph from the lease to my apartment: "No resident, child or guest shall commit nor permit to be committed any unlawful or immoral act in the dwelling unit or about the premises, nor permit the dwelling unit to be used for a boarding or lodging house."

On my way home from work, I saw a cloud that looked like a chicken leg.

It doesn't bode well for the future of this nation's free press when the most honest, responsible news outlet is the "Daily Show" with Jon Stewart. Now I'm not mocking it, I love it, but it's kind of sad when a satire of the news is more accurate and truthful than the real news is on any given evening.

Erin is sitting next to me watching "South Park", and says "hi" to you all. You should go say "hi" to her.

OK, that's all. I've been happy and content lately, but I've also not been particularly driven to write in this thing. Seriously, three or so days since the last entry and this is all I had to report on. Oh well.

then / now