in the city

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12-24-09 // 2:29 pm

lucky man

I have: a day off work and a chance to sleep in, coffee and tunes at my own pace, a little phone time with my family, opening an Xmas present from across the sea, a kick ass workout, rediscovering "Art Brut vs. Satan," a hot shower, a cup of milky chai on a pissing down rain day, an Ingmar Bergman film, a comfy couch, and the bounty of a warm house and a long-sleeved thermal T. Later, more music, a pint of Guinness, calling my dad, cooking up a spicy black bean and corn stew, and a bumper crop of funny stuff to catch up on burned to DVD.

I just think it's important to take a solitary day's step back from the incessant work, holiday, and writing madness, take a deep breath, and savor/be thankful for days where my good fortune in life is manifest through a steady string of the little stuff. It's the little stuff that makes up a life, isn't it?

then / now