in the city

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12-27-09 // 8:02 pm

how do you afford your rock n roll lifestyle?

Yeah, so I didn't do any of that stuff in the last entry. Right around 1:30 or so I'd had enough of my (undeniably enjoyable) disheveled day, I got dressed and went to the gym, didn't have any of the Boxing Day hair of the dog (thank Zarquon, what was I thinking with that?), and I ended up spending the late afternoon and early evening making the rounds delivering presents and holiday greetings to friends I hadn't managed to see pre Xmas proper. I ate a healthy dinner, I watched some sitcoms, I read the new issue of National Geographic, and I went to bed semi-early. And it all felt damn fantastic. I'm the least rock n roll lifestyle ever. But I am what I am.

then / now