in the city

latest / older / g-book / profile / d-land

4-30-01 + I'm always in love
4-29-01 + grind the stone, spin the wheel
4-26-01 + they say I shot a man named gray
4-24-01 + you are the tallest building, I am the street
4-23-01 + all durham and northumberland is measured up by my own hand
4-21-01 + for my weezer
4-20-01 + something fell into the cage today
4-18-01 + in that tenderness I am floating away
4-15-01 + please forgive me if I act a little strange
4-13-01 + I dream I'm in New York City some night
4-11-01 + we get the bees that we deserve
4-7-01 + I believe this is heaven to no one else but me
4-5-01 + not machines that can only make money
4-4-01 + you and I had to be the standing joke of the year
4-3-01 + in the room downstairs she sat and stared
4-2-01 + shed some skin for the fear within

[past months]


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[selected ambient works]