in the city

latest / older / g-book / profile / d-land

9-30-03 + I have not been to oxford town
9-29-03 + the lord said 'peter, I can see your house from here'
9-28-03 + "where was the hamburger invented at?!"
9-26-03 + "pobody's nerfect (in australia)"
9-24-03 + "jacko is on his backo!"
9-23-03 + tales from my head, can't buy the book
9-23-03 + my badly strung declaration
9-22-03 + the devil bought the key to branson
9-20-03 + so why don't you climb down off that movie screen
9-19-03 + couldn't ask for more you said
9-18-03 + "well, being a failed scientist doesn't pay as well as you might think"
9-17-03 + we destroy rock n roll
9-15-03 + got the tickets from some fucked up bloke in camden town
9-14-03 + "sorry, I'm not familiar with that term"
9-12-03 + prime minister's questions
9-9-03 + And others were born to stack shelves
9-8-03 + world leader pretend
9-6-03 + "that way there are checks and balances"
9-6-03 + weekend at bernie's
9-4-03 + where were you while we were getting high?
9-3-03 + as the flickering neon stands ready to fuse
9-2-03 + down in the lair well I met her there

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[selected ambient works]