in the city

latest / older / g-book / profile / d-land

11-29-03 + "you just got punk'd!"
11-27-03 + "I like to eat turkey in a big brown shoe"
11-26-03 + saturday, wait!
11-24-03 + oscillate wildly
11-22-03 + "we have the drive to eat"
11-21-03 + this is the fierce last stand of all I am
11-20-03 + some thoughts just won't leave my head
11-18-03 + and what if there were two, side by side in orbit
11-17-03 + happiness is an option
11-13-03 + stockton gala days
11-12-03 + "thirst for blood?! aw, bring it!"
11-9-03 + quaking leaves and broken light
11-6-03 + one foot in front of the other
11-6-03 + summer in winter, winter in springtime
11-5-03 + peace the fuck out
11-3-03 + pineapple sex wax
11-3-03 + wait only for my bootheels to be wandering

[past months]


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[November] [December]

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[November] [December]

[November] [December]
[selected ambient works]