in the city

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2-14-02 // 12.04 pm

paper hearts for paper tigers

Valentine's Day today. Not on purpose, the Blur mix tape I was playing in my car on my morning commute happened to be at a bunch of stuff from "13" like 'Tender' and 'No Distance Left to Run'. Oh, and right before I got to the office, I switched to the radio and Erasure's 'Oh L'amour' was playing. How's that for an auspicious, tragic beginning to the day?

Work is boring. I've been assigned to a project, but the current phase is still in its infancy. So that means that for me, a programmer, there's very little to do until the functional people finally agree on what it is we need to design and code. So I've mostly just been sitting around reading technical documentation to try to get myself up to speed. But there's only so much to read, plus it's very dry. Hopefully things pick up soon.

The phone just rang -- I picked it up and the person on the other end hung up. Great. So far that's the only phone activity I've been getting -- wrong numbers and hangups.

Robin Williams is doing standup at the Fox Theater next month. Cheapest ticket is like 55 bucks. Plus whatever 'service' charge they'll undoubtedly tack on. But I'm going to try to get tickets, anyway. His standup is briliant and he hasn't toured like this since '86. Now all I need is to get paid...

I'm starving... Time for lunch, then.

then / now