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2-28-02 // 9.11 am

I used to be scared of heights, I used to get dizzy

I woke up this morning with a headache. What's that all about? I hadn't been drinking last night, so it's not like it was hangover related. Hmm.

Forgot to watch the Grammies last night. Not that I particularly care about record company self-love, but I did want to catch U2's performance. Oh, and apparently They Might Be Giants won an award for their theme tune to "Malcolm in the Middle". That's just a bit surreal.

Oh! Did anyone else catch the brand new Kevin Smith short on the Tonight Show last night? Just by chance I turned on the TV and was amazed to see Jeff Anderson and Brian O'Halloran (as Randall and Dante) staring back at me, delivering a scene I've never seen before in my entire life. It was quite hilarious -- I missed the first chunk but it had something to do with the pair being stuck in traffic, and Randall asking Dante if he'd let German scientists cut off his leg in return for a flying car. Great ending line too, Randall to Dante: "'d do it with some guys to get a car? That's messed up."

Supposed to go to the pub tonight with Ryan and some girl from his office. I think I've met her before but I can never remember.

I was weirded out just a short while ago...some guy in the bathroom just talking to himself whilst taking a leak. I mean, maybe he thought he was in there by himself, I dunno. But what was he doing? Rehearsing a presentation? Perhaps he'd just gone bonkers.

The weather forecasts are calling for a bunch of snow and crap on Friday night / Saturday morning. I hope it all holds off just long enough for me to go out for some coffee.

P.S. Why not check out the list? There's a link at the top of the page, but it's been toiling in obscurity. Poor dear. Oh, and I may as well also mention that I set up a Launch 'net radio station. You can groove to that here. I'm trying to program out all the crap, so you can listen with peace of mind. (or Piece of Mind, assuming I can figure out how to get it to spin Iron Maiden)

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