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2-27-02 // 10.35 am

and then it was yesterday

Managed to get to bed last night at a proper hour for the first time in seemingly ages. I groaned this morning when the strains of some treacly Dave Matthews Band song shook me out of my slumber. Stupid clock radio, can't it somehow automatically find a station playing something that doesn't suck when it goes to wake me up? Oh well...guess there's always white noise. Ugh... So yeah, I'm still a little tired at the moment. But I'm not a morning person. I can function OK, but it doesn't matter how much sleep I get the night before -- if I'm getting out of bed at seven o'clock in the morning, I'm not going to be terribly happy about it.

Talked on the phone with Erin yesterday evening. Thought it went quite smoothly...she has such a great voice. I only hope my lame high school bio lab story wasn't too excruciating to sit through. (Oh, and Erin, assuming you read this at some point -- hope your job interview goes/went well!)

I've discovered that the sound my work computer makes when a new email arrives is more or less the same sound that my mobile makes when a new voice mail or text message arrives. I'm gonna have to switch one or the other, lest I become too confused to function.

I was supposed to be in a weekly project status meeting right now, but I've been informed that it's not happening after all. So yeah. Guess it's time to dive into the documentation for this second project I've been "loaned" to. I've always found it kind of funny how the managers have to negotiate amongst themselves and "trade" the engineers like commodities. Ah, yes... Does the excitement ever cease? No, I don't think it does.

then / now