in the city

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3-12-01 // 1.21 am

I'm riding on the back of a giant bird

NP: Francis Dunnery - "Let's Go Do What Happens"

80 ounces of malt liquor rushing through my bloodstream + dumbass friends leaving me in the car while they go into a gay bar instead of taking me to the movie theater to meet Steve = me walking the streets in an alcohol haze on the way home. I think I stopped by Cheney hall at one point, too...I saw S.P. and Sara's light on, so for some reason I went up there. Only S.P. was around...I babbled on about something for a minute and then promptly left. I got back to the flat and sat in my bedroom until the world stopped spinning around & coming unglued. Then I watched "The Godfather" and ate macaroni and cheese. This was my Saturday night. I'm so glad it's over.

It was a gorgeous day out today. I wore shorts. I keep forgetting we're a few weeks away from the first day of spring.

Spring break starts Friday. Bring it on.

then / now