in the city

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3-21-01 // 12.33 am

this space intentionally left blank

I've deleted the last entry, but if any of you read it earlier this evening, new information has come to light -- Malinda-Michele is alive. Danielle and Steph have both talked to her in the past hour or so. She's alive...

The 'news' I got this morning was apparently a sick, purely evil game played by some heartless motherfucker. Apparently the name of the person the message-bearer claimed to be is the name of one of M&M's ex-boyfriends. But she doesn't think it was him, but instead someone pretending to be him.

But at this point, I don't care about any of that. I just care that she's alive. She's not out of the psychological black, but she's not gone.

then / now