in the city

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3-22-01 // 12.27 am

I didn't even have to use my AK

NP: Tim Booth & Angelo Badalamenti - "Booth and the Bad Angel"

It was an absolutely top day today. Went way the hell out into St. Louis county to take my drug test for this summer's Lockheed employment. I got in and out of the testing facility in no time at all. I beat the rush, I pissed in a plastic cup, I signed a form...bam, I'm done and it's not even noon yet.

I also took a side trip to U City. Went and had a completely rockin' curry at the Indian place right there where I-170 hits Delmar. The food of the gods? Why yes, it's true. I then made my way down to Vintage Vinyl, and went on my first record-buying spree since late December. I am now enjoying six new LPs and it feels so good. I also walked up and down the Loop for a while, just enjoying being in the city on such a fine spring day.

Drove to the park and had a tennis match with my dad in late afternoon, we ended up each taking one set. It was so great getting back out on the court. I hadn't played for about nine months, but each swing of the racket was like second felt like the last time I'd played was really just yesterday. I love sport, though I'm usually not the best player...though with tennis, I'm actually quite skilled. I love the adrenaline rush I get when I'm out there...few things can compete.

So I'm sitting here now with my headphones on, drinking a bottle of Guinness & feeling incredibly content. As the wise one they call Ice Cube once said, "today was a good day".

then / now