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3-23-01 // 2.09 am

this entry powered by late night television

Currently on in the background: late night TV.

It's so ludicrous watching crap pop stars on MTV talk about continuing trends in rock music. Yeah, 'cause Alanis Morissette, Marilyn Manson, and Gwen Stefani know what they're talking about... OK, Trent Reznor just came on, he can stay. One thing is for certain -- Limp Bizkit and all of this hyper-macho, drop-tuned, backwards baseball cap wearing, nu-metal crap should just disappear into the aether. Creed too, that singer guy is just insufferable. Give me Iron Maiden any day of the week.

OK everybody, you can stop making fun of midgets now. It's not funny us all a favor and just move on.

I got the newest issue of Q today whilst out and about. Most interesting news item so far: Stuart Murdoch of Belle & Sebastian is in the running to become the new rector of Glasgow University.

Tonight's observation: the "Kentucky Fried Movie" -- not as great as I remember it being. Still funny, but I seemed to recall liking it more.

Did you know that Wayne Gretzky had the co-writer of his autobiography edit the first draft in order to make it less interesting? Apparently he didn't want to upset people. That's so weird.

According to the ad I just saw, Pulaski Bank offers a "Big Bertha" money market account. The offer was made by a gangly man with huge ears. No way Pulaski Bank is getting my money.

"Comic View All-Stars" volumes 1 & 2 are now available to satisfy your stereotypical black humor needs. I think these tapes are 'not sold in stores' and 'not shown on TV' for a reason.

Back in the '80s and '90s, it felt like soon every person in America would have their own talk show. Here in the '00s, it seems like any day now every American will be the star of their own "Judge So-and-So" type program. Though I find it hard to believe anyone could improve on "Judge Mills Lane".

This concludes our broadcast day. We are now going off the air.

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