in the city

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4-19-02 // 3:47 pm

I can hear your heart

I just wrote an entire entry, then Netscape froze up just as I was about to hit send. It's my own damn fault though, I should learn to write these things in notepad or something first.

So yeah...

Last night was the Mexican bar. Which was a bit dodgy, but in a good way. It was kind of this weird amalgam of Mexican restaurant, cheesy basement disco, small town bar, and bowling alley lounge. But the food was pretty good and the conversation was excellent, so it was all good. Later on, Erin and John filmed the rest of the footage they needed for the project they're submitting to the film festival. It was wonderful seeing her in her element like that. She has a knack for all of that, setting up shots, figuring out bits of dialogue, giving convincing performances. I could never do that, I don't have that presence...I've never been particularly good at artistic things like films or painting or drawing. We ended up at the park around midnight, drinking gigantic cups of soda and eating Rolos, sitting on the swings, throwing pebbles, laying on the slide, looking up at the sky. I was tired as hell, but I didn't care. I wanted to be there with her. But yeah, it was a great evening. The only bad part was when we had to say goodnight.

This evening Erin and I are taking her cousin Drew to the science center. Should be cool...there's something appealing about that place at night. I'm not sure what it is really, maybe it's just the novelty of being somewhere at night that you're usually at during the day. Kind of like how in grade school, you'd occasionally have to be at school at night, for a play or a teacher conference or something. Situations like that always felt unique and slightly strange. At least they did to me.

I got a call a little while ago from a guy thinking I was Computer Renaissance. He asked me if I sold used computers. I politely explained who I was and that he probably meant to dial a slightly different number. I'm used to this, you see...I usually get at least one call like this every afternoon.

An hour or so 'til I can get out of here for the weekend. I'm really ready for it to be here. I've had my fill of flourescent lights and processed air. I'm ready to get outside for a while, even if it is warm and humid at the moment. I'm really ready for a thunderstorm. That sounds great, of those big, huge ones that sweep through with tons of wind and lightning. Then when they're gone, the air is fresh with the smell of ozone. Yeah.

I can't wait to see Erin tonight. She's amazing...she's always on my mind. I love her.

then / now