in the city

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9-28-01 // 11.20 pm

hate this and I'll love you

NP: Muse - "Showbiz"

She called this evening asking if I wanted to go out to dinner. She brought along another friend, effectively removing any chance of me getting to talk about the stuff I need to talk to her about. She didn't apologize for the way she's been acting the past week. I never did get those cookies.

Half the time, she just infuriates can one person be so energetic, so perpetually 'perky'? How can anyone subsist on a steady diet of top40 radio? Her attention shifts from topic A to topic B at a moment's whim. Sometimes it seems like she forgets I even exist. Yet, the other half of the time she can be the sweetest person I know. I'll be sitting there, beginning to wonder if her face is capable of another expression besides 'cheery', and she'll dig out some nugget of knowledge I had no idea anyone would bother to remember about me, e.g. I mentioned that I love sauerkraut, and she goes "that's right, you're Polish". She'll say totally endearing things like "the only reason we ever came to hall council meetings was 'cause you guys [me and a few of my floormates] were on it." I dunno...she has this way of making me feel like I'm the center of the universe. Though she's also the biggest flirt I've ever met, so I wonder just how many other guys also get the same treatment.

Tonight she said to me "you've gotten bitter in your old age...kinda cynical". Not entirely untrue...but I didn't have the energy to tell her it's because of people like her that I keep getting all the optimism sucked out of me.

OK, I promise this is the last entry in my week-long festival of neuroses. Next week (amongst other things): why bottled beer is the far superior packaged beer format.

then / now