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12-19-03 // 1.10 pm

rick wakeman vs. chris elliot

I'm giving a DVD copy of "Cabin Boy" for my office's gift exchange thing. I can't remember if it's supposed to be a white elephant sort of deal or not, but oh well. They'll get Chris Elliot and they'll like it. Considered but ultimately rejected gift ideas: vaguely phallic looking jar of pistachios and a CD of Rick Wakeman playing songs inspired by the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. The back of the CD said in super small print "these songs appeared on two prior Wakeman albums. They have been retitled for use in this compliation". Ha! It's not even original Wakeman music, it's recycled and repackaged to 'cash in' on LOTR. Ah... Oh, and the jar of pistachios was actually purchased but it will now be going to my sister's boyfriend since I actually forgot to get him anything, and my family's gift exchange is tomorrow. Oops.

Oh, and the piece de resistance? I wasn't sure if the office exchange gifts were supposed to be wrapped or not. Upon arriving to work I discovered that yes, apparently they were. Or at the very least everyone decided to wrap theirs. Well, after cursing under my breath, I retreated to the lab and let necessity become the mother of invention. The end result? A DVD wrapped in a double layer of HP printer paper. It actually looks pretty snazzy if I do say so myself. And I do.

There's just not going to be any work getting done today, it's just one of those "last day before winter break" feeling days. Which is silly, especially considering that myself and many others in my building will be in on Monday & Tuesday next week. But still, Friday + Christmas 'festivities' = lax atmosphere.


OK, it's now several hours later, the lunch and the gift exchange is over. All the salad stuff I brought in didn't even get used, apparently due to a glut in salad being supplied. But oh well. Gift exchange was actually kind of fun. I ended up winning $10 in McDonald's gift certificates, which is funny, considering Erin needs exactly that to give for a gift exchange at her work. The circle of life goes on and on.

I'm off for a short post-lunch walk to stave off the encroaching full-stomach coma. In a few hours I'll be out of here for good. It's funny, my mood has done a complete 180 since this morning. Christmas cheer? Maybe I caught some after all.

then / now