in the city

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12-31-03 // 9.07 pm

cow shirt '03

It's the last hours of 2003. It was a rather good year -- had it's ups & downs like any other, but overall I'm quite happy with where I am.

Erin and I are sitting here watching an Iron Chef marathon, Teresa is over & we're getting ready to drink the booze and consume mass quantities. We have Pringles, hot wings, pierogi (I know Julie, I'm so Polish), taquitos, and the requisite shrimp. I have some bottles of Theakston's Old Peculier (ooh, pretentious beer), I've had a shot of lemon Absolut (my favorite hard liquor, a stone cold classic), and there is champagne for later. You should see the fridge and the kitchen right now, it looks ridiculous but cool.

There's a huge party going on in Forest Park tonight kicking off the 100th anniversary of the 1904 St. Louis summer Olympics & the World's Fair, along with the 200th anniversary of the Lewis & Clark expidition. There's a gigantic Ferris wheel, dancing, bands, beer, etc. and it sounds so cool, and I really wanted to go. But that was before the super busy last week. Right now staying at home is perfect and what I want. I feel like a bad citizen not taking part in this huge celebration, but I just don't have the energy tonight. So yeah... Maybe it'll all go on next year again. I'll definitely attend the summer celebratory stuff that's going to happen in '04. I really love this city, I honestly do.

Steve and I hung out this afternoon, it was cool. We went to Fitz's for lunch & then saw "21 Grams" (really cool) at the Tivoli. Went to buy comics after that (I got last year's Zippy annual for half price, word up) and then blew a $20 Borders gift card (plus 20 bucks more) on CDs and whatnot ($10 "Roger Waters - In the Flesh" DVD!).

So yeah. I realize this has been a wacked-out entry, but hey. In any case, I hope all of you have/had a great New Year's Eve and a 2004 that's the best year on record. See you all next year.

then / now