in the city

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1-2-01 // 12.08 am

under the milky way tonight

NP: The Church - "Starfish"

I ended up having a really nice New Year's Eve. I didn't go down to uni town -- I called Steve and told him I couldn't make it, I just wasn't up for the evening that situation had in store. Instead, I had a very pleasant evening with Robyn. We went out for Chinese food; U2's "The Joshua Tree" was on her car stereo; we talked about the finer points of Ferris Bueller, Star Wars, and the weird local soft rock radio station; we came back and watched "Trainspotting" down in the basement. We kind of lost track of time marvelling at some strange martial arts awards show/exhibition on TV, and she finally left around two in the morning. New Year's felt a bit empty this year since Adam's not around, but it was so, so, so nice to still be able to spend it with Robyn.

Yesterday I missed a chance to go to the Botanical Gardens with my relatives. D'oh...I really love the Gardens, and it's been forever since I've been there in the winter.

Spent a little quality time with the parental units this afternoon, we went and saw that new Tom Hanks flick "Cast Away". It was pretty good, though I think I liked it more than my family did. Had a good home-cooked dinner & then spent the evening reading the several recent copies of "Discover" mag that've I haven't gotten to yet. I drank a pint of bitter (rather high-quality local microbrew I came across) and, well, here I am.

No work tomorrow, which is good. Instead, I think I'm going to finish off the rest of the holiday gift certificates that are sitting on my nightstand. I think I'm going to buy some movies and some pants. How's that for a combo?

OK, enough already. It's sleepy time.

then / now