in the city

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1-13-04 // 12.15 pm

the pageant is named the 'pencil rain'

I'm sitting here at my desk in my cube, eating a quick lunch of an apple and some Chex mix, and enjoying the quiet of a nearly empty lab. It's very peaceful in here when the only sounds are muffled keystrokes and the hum of

I'm not sure why, but the world's felt very bright and fresh the past couple of days. I'm not complaining, mind you, it's nice. My brain feels 'spring' for some reason -- it certainly can't be this weather and these early sunsets.

Today's Erin's first day back at college, she's taking two courses to start out with (this is in addition to maintaining the hours she's already been putting in at work), and I just know that she's on to great things. I'm sure this sounds silly, but I can't wait to get home tonight to find out how things went. I'm also just plain happy for her -- it's easy to say you're going to go back to school, but it's another thing entirely to actually do it. I've known far too many people for whom it's just something they say but never motivate themselves to the point where they do it.

Meeting Ryan S in Belleville after work to finally see the last installment of "The Lord of the Rings". While I'm a fan of the books and the movie adaptations (you'd almost have to be to sit through movies of 3, 3, and 3.5 hour lengths, respectively), I'm not as huge a devotee as some people. It'll still be nice to have wrapped things up, though, and as a bonus we're seeing it at the Lincoln Theater, which is a rather nicely restored old movie house. I have nothing against multiplexes -- I mean, can you argue against stadium seating and those nearly La-Z-Boy chairs? -- but I love the grandeur of an old theater. The Lincoln has that in spades, from the ornate carvings and wall castings to the massive pipe organ in the balcony. I meant to grab my camera this morning to try to take some pictures, but in the rush to get to work I forgot. Oh well.

Since I got through the majority of my meetings and tasks this morning, it looks like I'm in for a fairly low key afternoon. I can handle that. Sadly, I almost wish I had more to do so the rest of the day wouldn't drag on.

then / now