in the city

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1-14-04 // 10.58 am

you're in the suburbs, waiting for somewhere to go

NP: Deacon Blue - "Raintown"

Left work slightly early yesterday as I'd done all my work and I figured it was either sit at my desk for an extra hour doing absolutely nothing or get out while there was still sunlight about. So I did just that, and it was nice. I was a bit early meeting Ryan S so I killed time at the library off Main. Not much doing, but I did purchase a book about Yorkshire (copyright 1979) for 25 cents at the library's book sale. Not bad. Found Ryan soon after, however we soon discovered that Quizno's was closing early for renovations (nice of them not to tell me that when I called on Monday asking for hours) so our dinner plans were thrown off. Thankfully, as downtown Belleville is currently undergoing a bit of a renaissance, there are actually a load of places in the town center to grab a bite, where even five years ago finding something, anything in the immediate vicinity open past about 5pm would be impossible. In any case, we wandered down past the fountain in the square to this little Irish pub. Not bad, I had a very passable fish & chips dinner and a properly poured pint of Guinness, something the proprietors apparently care enough about to devote a section of the menu to the fact that they pay loads of attention to pouring good pints. Well, I'm sold.

"Return of the King" was very, very good. Like I said, I'm no fanboy when it comes to the Lord of the Rings, but the final installment was, for my money, the best of the three by far. The first suffered from too much Hobbit-y exposition at the start, and the second film felt like it was either long, boring speeches or endless battle scenes. I mean, both were good but I really couldn't think of anything wrong with #3. Which is good. Well, maybe Gollum shone more in #2 than #3, but it's a minor point. In any case, I was well satisfied.

Not much to take care of at work today, I'm just kind of killing time until this afternoon, when there'll be a big readiness review thing for my project. It's nothing major, just time consuming, especially since it's hosted by this guy who never, ever stops talking. But oh well, I really can't complain.

Aside from the Guinness at dinner last night, I've been completely uninterested in alcohol lately. I've also been eating halfway decently again, and exercising much more regularly. I have a lot of work to do in order to get back to looking/feeling how I'd like, but hey, it's a start.

Nothing much else to say, except that I've just finished this massive cup of 7-11 coffee and I probably need to get up from my desk and bounce around the halls for a while. Later gators.

then / now