in the city

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1-20-03 // 9.15 am

shadow and shade, sunlight treads softly

NP: Talk Talk - "The Colour of Spring"

In the car just a little while ago, I spilled coffee on my pants. Apparently the lid of the thermal mug thing I use was about 90% screwed on. So there it went, dribbling down onto my jacket and then onto my pants, like righ on my thigh. Ugh, what a way to start a Monday morning.

Oh, and what am I doing right now? Drinking a cup of coffee, not having learned my lesson in the least.

No matter how many times I try, my web browser won't let me change "John Smith's Bookmarks" to use my name instead of the default. If I change it, it changes right back a little while later. It's not a big deal, but it's kind of weird.

I'm currently pondering if any of my phone numbers (home, cell, work) spell out anything if you use the letters printed one each key. Though at this point of the day, I don't quite have the energy or motivation to actually find out.

Yesterday I woke up around 8 o'clock in the morning. Erin was still asleep, she hadn't come to bed till late, so I figured she'd stay in bed for some time yet. So I got dressed and decided to go pick up the tickets for me and my dad to go to the basketball game this coming Saturday. Drove down the road to the metro station, and took the train to the arena. A bit uneccesary I suppose, as there are ticket outlets everywhere. But, if you buy tickets at the arena's box office, they don't charge you the ridiculous $5 per ticket "convenience charge" (what's so convenient about it?), so yeah... Anyway, I got the tickets, and decided to stay downtown for a while to walk around and take some pictures. It's strange how quiet the city center is on the weekend. Well, at least on a non-football Sunday morning. I walked for blocks without seeing a car driving by or another person walking. But yeah, I had a good wander, I think I was out there for about an hour, before descending into the 8th and Pine station and catching the metro back to where I'd left my car. I'd have gladly stayed out for longer, but it was so numbingly cold that I figured I should get back to shelter. But, yeah, it was really nice, that whole morning. I'm the kind of person who likes to connect with where they live. Be it a city/town/neighborhood, whatever, sometimes I need to get out in it. So I ride the train, shuffle my way down the pavements between the skyscrapers, I look out across the semi-industrial wastelands, I peer into little corner bars, I look at statues, parks, signs, everything. In any case, expect some cool pictures once I get the time to sit down, pick my favorites, resize them, upload them, etc.

This year's Super Bowl is an all-pirate affair. Have you noticed this? It's the Buccaneers vs. the Raiders. Yarrr, me hearties.

I'm amazed by the fact that in any quick, random scan of diaryland diaries, you will find quite a large number that bitch on and on about how terrible men are, and how they possibly couldn't even understand [fill in name of crisis]. Are we of the penis-having variety really that terrible?

The dead of winter is here. It's been beyond cold the past week or so, I'm talking bitterly cold, with the complementary wind and occasional snow. Brrr. It's enough to make me think, for the first time since the weather turned cool, about how I'm ready for spring. I'm ready for those slightly warm winds during the day, and how everything gets a bit chilly at night. I'm ready for all-day rains, and sitting at the window during thunderstorms, watching the sky light up.

I would really like to eat some Thai or Korean food soon. Green curry with eggplant on the Thai side, and heaps of kimchee via Korea.

Being almost 23 does not make me (or anyone else for that matter) old. True, people born in 1987 are now driving cars, and I've been out of high school for nearly six years now. But old? No. "Face it. You are young."

OK, I should get moving now. Stupid Monday mornings.

then / now