in the city

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2-4-03 // 11.20 am

is it fate, does darkness end in light

NP: Pet Shop Boys - "Nightlife"

I like how the actual song Nightlife was never used for the album that bears its name, and instead just showed up as a b-side a few years later. Things like that always interest the hell out of me. Why? Because I'm lame.

Weird, chopped-up work day today. Did some work and preparation the first half of the day, and then I have a two hour training session, and then I have to attend a big review board type thing for some documentation I wrote. Wonderful. Though at the very least, the rest of the day should fly by.

Going to meet up with Ryan S after work and go to Denny's. Not going to be out the whole evening like a few weeks ago, but I wanted to at least hang out a bit, since he was so sick over the weekend when I called him to see if he wanted to hang out.

I've totally figured out Erin's anniversary present. Yeah. It's great if I do say so myself. Hopefully she thinks the same. Not to be too cocky, but I'm pretty sure she will.

I get so sick of listening to my coworkers talk about online role playing games. Seriously. That's all they talk about some days. I mean, it's not like I'm not a geek, but come on.

Just ate a packet of Cheez-Its. I suppose I could've had a semi-proper lunch out of the break room, but I didn't really feel like anything that heavy, you know? I suppose I rarely eat a heavy lunch, now that I think about it. I'd rather not feel too weighed down the rest of the afternoon.

Someone just said "10% spell bonus". That's my cue to escape. If only I could escape from the building altogether...

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