in the city

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2-21-01 // 11.07 pm

wait until the world's asleep

NP: Marillion - "A Piss-up in a Brewery" (Fan Club Xmas CD 2000)

I've been waiting forever for this to find its way from Buckinghamshire to my front door! Oh wow, this live set is so incredibly good, it's making up for this long, long day I've had.

So I'm still battling this head cold. I don't get sick very often -- at the very least, I don't think I've been sick since I started keeping this diary last May. But at the moment, my sinuses are congested, my ears are all blocked, I have a runny nose, I can't stop sneezing, and I'm constantly tired & drowsy. I got almost ten hours of sleep last night, which helped, but I still feel pretty out of it. It also hasn't helped that the last half of this week is turning out to be a bit busy, which is terrible since when I'm ill, all I want to do is sit on the couch in my housecoat, eat soup & watch TV. But thankfully I got a lot of the stuff I have to do out of the way today...but still. I'll be glad when the weekend gets here.

We're getting freezing rain this evening. Listening to it coming down, it sounds like little pieces of tinfoil falling from the sky and crinkling when it hits objects on the ground.

Now I'm off to vegetate for a little while before collapsing in a sniffling, watery-eyed heap.

then / now