in the city

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2-24-04 // 12.58 pm

so many storms not right somehow

NP: Tori Amos - "From The Choirgirl Hotel"

I've been feeling very out of sorts the last couple of days. I can't really explain, I just feel tired and kind of spaced out, like I'm a bit out of step with the rest of the world. Not sure if my body's fighting off something or what the deal is, but it's certainly annoying.

There are so many "mid-life crisis mobiles" in my office park. Seriously, we're talking flashy, loud, "conspicuous overcompensation" sports cars and Bigfoot-esque pickups. It cracks me up, though thankfully I know when I'm 50 Erin will merely laugh and make fun of me to the point where I come to my senses.

It seems like something has been really bothering Erin the past couple of days, though she keeps saying it's nothing. It's probably just accumulating work/school stress. In any case, I need to step off and just let her come to me when she needs to talk or vent.

Three and a half hours to go this afternoon and I have no clue as to what's going to keep me busy. I think the novelty and enjoyment of being underworked has worn off for the most part. Now I need something to make the day fly by.

I am so tired right now, I feel like I have malaria or something. I hope this stops soon, I don't like feeling this way.

then / now