in the city

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3-2-03 // 6.01 pm

I'd love to see colours like you

NP: Manics b-side comp. that I made earlier this afternooon.

I'm in a fantastic mood today. It's the first sunny day out in ages, or at least what feels like ages, so I went out for a walk a few hours ago. It's one of those days where the world seems particuarly fresh, especially sharp. Maybe it's the angle of the sun at that time of day at that time of year, or maybe it's the fact that it's been gray and snowing for about a week straight -- but whatever it is, it's beautiful, and it makes for the perfect compliment to how I'm feeling.

On Sunday afternoon walks, the world is in a different place. The normal pattern of business and occupation is shifted. I like to look in windows and study buildings on Sunday afternoon walks. I peer into the lobbies of businesses, into the upper-floor windows of churches and schools, into the windows of cafes and shops. I think about what goes on in those places on a weekday, about the people for whom these places are familiar, and how it all sits empty for a change, how it's silent and removed from its normal routine. It's very interesting and very calming, for whatever reason. It's something I've always enjoyed.

Erin's friends from Kansas City were here this weekend, and it was a really good time. They're very nice people, I enjoyed it all immensely. Hanging out with Steve on Saturday was great, too. "Adaptation" was pretty good -- not great mind you, but good -- and it was excellent to talk to him face-to-face. Made tentative plans to meet up in Olney next month, and he said he and his wife may even be moving back to this area in a year or so. Which would make me really happy.

Yesterday was Erin and I's one year anniversary. Well, it was the one year anniversary of our first date, which is what we count. Though if I remember correctly, we first talked a week before that. But in any case, one year! Looking back on it, it's been a brilliant year, easily one of, if not the best years ever. Set aside any problems, any fighting -- I mean, every relationship takes work & needs maintenance. And I won't pretend that we don't have things that we need to work on. But regardless of anything else, I see this past year as the first of many, many to come. It makes me smile, really, thinking about how much we still have to learn about each other, about how much we have to discover. I was thinking today out on my walk that she's my adventure. She makes me want to go exploring, with her right beside me. I want to sit with her in coffee shops and diners, I want to take random mindight drives in the middle of summer, I want to travel, I want to laugh, I want to cry, and I want to fall asleep and wake up right beside her. Cliched as it may sound, she's everything I want and everything I need.

I can't believe what time it is already. The weekend is slipping away, as it always does. But for some reason, I don't have the usual Sunday evening feeling sinking in. Roll with it, eh?

then / now