in the city

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3-12-03 // 8.50 am

this is what I wrote just an hour ago

NP: Ben Folds - "Ben Folds Live"

For whatever reason, it's just now clicking with me that I actually much prefer the song Jane without the strings and associated Bacharach trappings.

The president and one of the vice presidents of my company in the corporation are in the building today. There was originally an "all hands" meeting scheduled for this afternoon, but that was cancelled. Though it's apparently been rescheduled for like 9 o'clock this morning. The email notification was sent out at like 7pm last night. Nice.

Left work a bit early yesterday afternoon, did some driving around just to enjoy the sun for a while. Took a walk in the park in my parents' village, then headed to their house. Nobody was home so I let myself in and let the dog out for a while. Parents eventually arrived, and we had a good visit. Talked politics with my dad -- civilly, even. My mom said "you sound just like your grandpa" (her dad), which made me smile. Chatted with both of 'em about everything else as they ate dinner. The pot roast looked fantastic but I held off (mostly) as I was meeting up for dinner later. Grabbed some random stuff I'd left there ages ago, and met up with Ryan S and Schlitt. Went to Denny's, where I proceeded to drink far too much coffee. But it was very good to see both of 'em in one place, to talk and hang out.

We had the first thunderstorm of the year last night. Started out as a downpour -- it was asbsolutely pissing down. Felt good driving down 64/40 and then Hampton, streetlights and shopfronts shining out into the wet and dark. I'm a sucker for an urban scene. In any case, later on we got a bit of thunder and lightning. Erin and I were sitting in the study, talking and enjoying it all. Very nice, and I am hopeful that spring is here to stay.

Ah yes, the uninvited guest. An update, apparently after his training at the main office in St. Louis is finished (that's not for another two and a half weeks), he's being sent to Dexter, which is way down in the bootheel. In any case, that's where he's going, so he doesn't need an apartment in the St. Louis area. However, he still has that time left on his training. So he's stated that he's going to be here until April 1st. In our apartment till April 1st. Erm, well. I think at this point it may be a race to what will happen first -- him getting fed up and getting a hotel room, or us throwing him out. Though if he does stay, he'd better pay us some rent or do the chores or something. 'Cause I've had about enough of him sucking up our bandwith watching railroad videos and clogging up the bathtub drain with hair. Side note -- where exactly does that hair come from? The man shaves his head! I'd say he shaves the head in the bathtub, but that's not the case, as I frequently find the sink ringed with hair and beard type stubble. So yeah, maybe I don't want to know where the bathtub hair comes from. But in any case, it's damn annoying.

The people in my lab may have the worst laughs in the history of laughs. That may be my cue to go wandering in search of beverages.

then / now