in the city

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3-14-03 // 10.52 am

is used to treat the heart and soul

NP: Spiritualized - "Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space"

I drank a lot of Guinness last night. I mean, it wasn't a phenomenal amout, but it was enough to give me a bit of a hangover this morning. I had a bunch of coffee on the drive in to work, though my body decided what it really wanted was salt, so I ran to the gas station and got a nice big bottle of tomato juice. So yeah, headache? Please go away now. I'm even playing nice and not shoving ibuprofen at you. So come on, help me out here.

What sort of albums do I pull out of my collection for the next day when I've been drinking? If we reference last night, it's Interpol, Radiohead, Spiritualized, and Fish. Weird.

It never fails that I get a small paper cut on my tongue when I'm licking envelopes during the monthly bill-paying session. Ouch.

I'm looking forward to seeing the sun again. After this week's brilliant, summery Wednesday, things have gotten cold, gray, and windy again. It's supposed to pass and then be sunny and warm again this weekend, but still.

There is absolutely nothing going on at work today. I thought the rest of this week was bad, but this takes the cake. There's only like two other people besides me in the lab, the parking lot is fairly empty, and things are just generally dead. One of the chief engineers was just in the lab and said "yeah, it's a slow day". See, that's when you really know. In any case, it's one of those days where you can't think of a valid reason why you're in except for the fact that you're supposed to be.

This entry just completely ran out of steam. I'm out of steam this morning, maybe. I think I need a really good night's sleep.

Looking forward to eating pizza and wings tonight, watching "The Simpsons", some "Iron Chef", etc. I also want a long sleep, a good snuggle and lay-in with Erin on Saturday morning, a cup of tea, and to throw open the windows and listen to music. That sounds just right.

Ugh, time is slowing to a halt. This is not good. Maybe I'll try to escape at lunchtime, who knows. In any case, later gators

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