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3-17-03 // 10.14 am

all in all, we cannot stop singing, we cannot start sinking

NP: Ted Leo/Pharmacists - "The Tyranny of Distance"

So it's come to this:

US pulls UN resolution
Bush to give final ultimatum

I'm scared. This is all honestly totally frightening. The implications of what could come next are staggering.

I fired off a letter to our illogical, pre-emptive war waging president just now, here's what I wrote. I understand that it won't make a fraction of a difference, but I wrote anyway, because I can. You should too.


Dear Mr. President,

I realize that I am merely one man, but the right of one man's voice to be heard is one of my most treasured attributes of these United States. It is with this that I write this letter.

Saddam Hussein is a tyrant. Of course he is, that's not the debatable position. What is debatable is the manner in which he is dealt with.

The framework of the United Nations is vital to the resolution of any international conflict. The White House's official position is that the UN has not done its job. I disagree with that statement, simply for the fact that the weapons inspections are still a work in progress. Why not err on the side of caution? The repercussions of war are grave, and the act of war should remain a last ditch effort. I do not believe we have reached that point. Instead, let the inspectors continue their work. Go back to the UN and work even harder than before with allies such as France and Russia to set a realistic (this is the key) timetable for disarmament. If after 15 or 30 or 60 or however many days, Hussein and Iraq have failed to comply with the will of the rest of the world (i.e. the United Nations), then I believe (regrettably) that war may be the inevitable action.

In any case, I believe that further time and further hard proof of so-called "weapons of mass destruction" are required before entering into an armed conflict that will enrage, embitter, and destabilize an already unstable part of the world.

Please, do not use American might haphazardly. Do not forsake our place as one nation in a world of many nations. Do not assume that might makes right, and do not assume that this government's will is my will.

I love my country, and I deeply love my freedoms of speech, of assembly, of the right to speak my mind without recourse. Please do not ruin the name of the United States and its freedoms by engaging in unilateral, unprovoked warfare.

Thank you for your time.


Michael William xxxxxx
St. Louis, Missouri


So yeah. I forgot to mention a few points I wanted to make, but I tried to keep it short so I didn't start ranting. In any case, the "world situation" is making me ultra tense today, but hey, what more can I do?

Had a very good weekend, the weather was fantastic, and spent a lot of excellent time out and about and with Erin and her family and friends. Saturday I took a long, invigorating walk in Forest Park with the new Matt Good album on headphones. Had some good time in cafes, got my ass kicked in many games of Uno, etc.

Today is St. Patrick's Day. As I've said, I'm not Irish, but tonight we're eating corned beef and cabbage anyway. It's Erin's favorite meal, which is a bonus. So, at least as the world slowly goes to hell, we can at least watch it do so with a satisfied belly.

then / now