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3-21-04 // 5.59 pm

"yo-yoing is my thing"

NP: Erin's watching "Spongebob Squarepants"

Having a good weekend. Spent yesterday afternoon taking walks, making a mix for Dave, doing the accompanying writeup, watching the NCAA hoops tourney (and watching my brackets getting shot to hell), enjoying a sunny, astonishingly nice spring afternoon, doing the grocery shopping, and a few other odds & ends type chores. Ate sushi and hummus/pitas when Erin got home from work, watched TV and had a few drinks.

I slept in this morning, though I still felt a bit off once I'd been up, even after a couple of cups of coffee. Had a snuggle with Erin once she woke up around noon, and then we headed off to the zoo. It was rather nice -- not too crowded and nicely sunny. Though it was a bit cool, as well, which led to some of the animals not being out. But it was still a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I just cooked dinner -- burgers and steak fries with some sauerkraut. Now Erin is talking to her mom on the phone and we're just settling in for a lazy evening on the couch.


then / now