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3-25-02 // 9.56 am

we can start a glorious day

As far as Monday mornings go, this one isn't too bad. Though it is rather crappy just by the sheer fact that it is a Monday morning. I think it's impossible to have a good Monday morning, unless maybe you're on vacation or retired or something. But I'll bet even when you are retired and every day is basically like all the others, when you wake up on Monday morning you groan and want to go back to bed. I'll have to ask my grandfather about this, he usually has all the answers.

Note to self: don't set a muffin on a legal pad. Not thinking, I just did this and it left a horrible muffin-shaped stain several pieces of paper deep. Gross.

I normally don't get too worked up about the Academy Awards (exception: I was ready to go on a rampage through the streets of Cape Girardeau a few years ago if "American Beauty" didn't get best picture), but last night I was yelling at my TV when they didn't give the screenplay award to Owen Wilson and Wes Anderson for "The Royal Tennenbaums". They were robbed, pure and simple.

I put Erin's mix tape in my tape deck on the drive to work this morning...I missed her, I wanted to feel her closer. These are dark, rainy spring days we've been having lately...but she makes them bright. There's even more to it, though...I mean, yeah she makes me feel warm on a cold day, and she makes me feel alive when my job makes me feel dead inside. But there's more. The way I feel about her...I just feel it. It's like instinct, it's natural and always there. We've been dating for a bit over three weeks at this point...she mentioned that it feels much longer than that. I agree, and it's a great thing. To be brutally honest, I've found the greatest girl the world's ever often can anyone say that their fantasies come true? I mean, if I could go back a year or two and talk to the past me and say "look man, you're going to meet this girl...and she's going to be beautiful. No, take off the headphones and listen to me. OK, she's going to be absoultely're not going to be able to keep your eyes off her. She's going to have impeccable taste in music, she'll make you mix tapes that knock your socks off. She'll understand misunderstood movies. She'll know the value of long evenings spent talking in diners. She'll have the sexiest voice and the most piercing eyes anyone's ever had. She will make you smile and laugh and feel incredible. She'll lift your heart up. No lie.", I would never believe me. But here we she is. And it's so good.

Now I'm rambling. But you know what, I don't care. Crap...time for meetings. Yeah, it's Monday.

then / now