in the city

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3-24-02 // 5.40 pm

I want to sing it from the toppest top, that's all

NP: Waterboys - "A Rock in the Weary Land"

Went disco bowling last night. My sister and her boyfriend showed up, as did Erin's friend Ed. Though Ryan and his girlfriend didn't. Adam and Robyn weren't there, either. Which doesn't really surprise me, but it still rather pissed me off. I mean, I specifically said when I called "you don't even have to stay and bowl, but it'd mean a lot to me if you come and meet my girlfriend". But I guess they couldn't spare the time. Grrr. Ryan called me today and explained his absence, which was just fine...he's not the flaking out type. Turns out his girlfriend's parents threw both of a them a surprise birthday party. Didn't have his cell phone on him, which is why he never got my calls asking where he was. But yeah, the bowling was a blast anyway. At one point, my sister whispered over to me about Erin "I like her a lot, she's really cool." To which I smiled and replied, "yeah, I know".

I never want her to go. I know it gets late, and she has to drive home, or I have to drive home...but I want her to stay there in my arms. I start missing her the second we say goodnight. The drive to her place in the city is the purest form of anticipation. I'm not sure if the highways are designed to handle the speeds at which I'm prepared to travel to see her. I love finding little things of hers around...a hair clip, earrings, dirty tennis shoe footprints where she puts her feet up on my dashboard. Erin is the joy of the first listen to a new album by your favorite band, the first drink of a cold bottle of lager on a hot summer's evening, and a lazy weekend morning in bed, all rolled up into one fascinating, gorgeous woman.

Went for a walk a little while's a gray day out, looking like it wants to rain a bit, but I'm actually kind of enjoying it. It's just nice that it's not freezing out for once.

Ryan wants me to come over to his place tonight and watch the Academy Awards, eat some pizza, drink a beer. So I'm gonna do that for a bit.

I don't want to go to work tomorrow. I just want to hold on to this weekend, it's been so great.

then / now