in the city

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3-29-03 // 3.00 pm

"if you're into forensics, there are blood trails all over the ice"

We're having very English weather today. Perhaps it's my own fault, maybe I conjured it up by spending my morning drinking tea and watching Eastenders. Well, I did also spent a bit of time watching a movie and eating tortilla chips and salsa, but either way, the skies have been constantly shifting. I woke up to bright sunlight coming in through the bedroom windows. An hour or so later, it became cloudy. Then some sun poked through, at which point I decided to take a walk and take care of some errands on the way. Halfway through, the wind kicked up and the sky turned gray. That eventually passed, leaving mostly blue skies and big, puffy gray-white clouds. After popping into the grocery store, I turned towards home, only to be met by gale force winds and what appeared to be sleet or freezing rain! After being pelted on and nearly knocked over, I managed to fight my way back to the apartment, which is where I currently sit. Of course right now, it's fairly sunny and pleasant looking.

So yeah, now I'm just hanging out. There's a kettle on in the kitchen, there's some stopgap loads of laundry in the washer in the building's basement, and I'm watching the Blues being dismantled by Detroit for the second Saturday in a row. How sad. Hopefully they play better during the game on Monday I have tickets for. I still have that sinus nonsense going on, though it's much better today than at any other point during the week. That nagging pressure/blockage behind my left ear is still hanging around, though. But for the most part, I'm feeling fantastic today. Quite glad to be on the weekend after a long week at work. It wasn't even a totally mad week at work, just steadily busy and I'm glad to get a breather now, you know?

Erin's still sleeping. Poor thing, she's been having trouble sleeping all week, so despite the fact that it's mid-afternoon, I'm just going to let her sleep as long as she needs to.

The "u" key on the laptop's keyboard keeps popping off. I repeatedly snap it back on, but here and there it just slips off and goes bouncing onto the couch. Grrr.

I'm eyeing the kitchen table, on which sits my partially-completed state tax return. It's simply a matter of sitting down for a half hour and crunching the numbers, but I so don't want to even think about it right now.

Heh, this hockey game keeps erupting into fighting. Reminds me of that game I went to (also Blues and Red Wings, oddly enough, at the old Arena when I was like 12 years old) where both teams' goalies got into a fight at center ice. That's probably been the oddest sporting moment of my life to date.

Alright, it's time to retrieve my tea, check on the laundry, and enjoy this fantastic weekend. I'm outta here.

then / now