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4-2-03 // 11.04 am

precious, precious silver and gold

NP: Jeff Buckley - "Grace"

I meant to update yesterday but every time I attempted to put some words down, it felt like I was having to make myself write. I dunno, I was just very tired and not terribly talkative in general, yesterday. A good night's sleep last night did me a ton of good, however, so today it feels like business as usual.

The hockey game the other day was excellent. The Blues broke down in the third period and blew a two goal lead, but it was still a good time, full of yelling at incompetent refs and defenders, and cheering for the many goals. And St. Louisans really do love their cheap tacos, don't they? In any case, it was a ton of fun. We took the metro back -- everyone was crammed in like sardines, and the fact that two children were using the overhead handrails to do pull ups wasn't helping. I'm not sure what was the worst part of that -- the kids doing the pull ups, rocking the train and nearly kicking me in the crotch (they actually stepped on Erin's toes three times), the kids' parents not doing anything to stop them, or the group of drunk frat boys who kept "woooo!"ing and egging the kids on. Anyway, we went to Denny's post-game and post-metro, which was a suitably great way to end the night.

George Bush, Tony Blair, Donald Rumsfeld, Ari Fleischer, and this entire war can bite me. I'm not sure what gets me most -- is it the flippant attitude towards loads of dead civilians and randomly destroyed buildings, is it the recent pronouncement from the administration that (and I'm paraphrasing here) "we are prepared to pay the price of this war, to face extreme casualities" (er, we are? nobody asked me...), or is it the refusal for anyone to admit that this supposedly "fast and overwhelming" invasion has bogged down into a shortage of provisions and a mess of "much stronger than anticipated resistance"? I mean, I'm already angry enough as it is that the US is invading. It just makes it worse when you don't get straight talk from anyone in control. The other day Lt. General Wallace (the commander of all the US forces in the middle east right now) actually said "the enemy we're fighting is a bit different than the one we war-gamed against." Hrm. The arrogance, thoughtlessness, and stupidity is appalling. Oh, and did you see that last week someone hacked the al Jazeera web site and replaced its content with a big image of the US flag and some random patriotic shouting? I saw a sign held up by someone the other day that said something like "the only good Iraqi is a dead Iraqi". Did you know that if you're anti-war you're also apparently anti-troop? That's the assumption being made and I'm tired of it. Ugh. This government doesn't represent me. I'm still sick to my stomach over all of this. I put it out of my mind a lot of the time, but I still can't get rid of it completely.

My manager is out of the office for the rest of the week, which rules. I mean, it's not like I'm unsupervised, I still have my project manager and my tech lead, though they are in Virginia and laid-back, respectively, so it's all good. I very much enjoy non-manager time, as it just makes the entire building feel more relaxed. As for work, it's going fine, I'm right on schedule with this new project I'm on. I appreciate more or less being left alone by my higher-ups so I can actually have uninterrupted time to do what I need to do. The only exception was yesterday when someone called an emergency meeting at noon, right when I was in the middle of eating lunch. But that was an isolated incident, so yeah.

It's warm out this week, I'm talking temps in the 80s. But it's a dry warmth, so it's very nice. None of the unbearable humidity that will descend on the region in a couple of months. So it's been great driving-with-windows-down weather, as well as great sleeping weather.

I was rolling along with this entry, but then I got interrupted by someone coming by my cube to ask me some questions. So I got distracted, and now I can't remember if there was anything else I meant to mention or not. Oh well, there's always next time.

then / now