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4-8-04 // 9.43 am

make a drug of my senses

NP: iPod on Random! (Marillion - Goodbye To All That)

With the same intensity that I just felt out of step with the world on Tuesday, yesterday felt fresh and clear. Very good stuff, I felt well rested, motivated, and I actually got quite a bit done at work. Did chores and ran some errands when I got home, visited with Erin for a bit before she had to go to night class, watched the Cards on TV, and then ate a better-than-usual Chinese takeout for dinner later. For some reason things that are supposed to be spicy but never were are now spicy. Thank you, Mongolian beef; thank you nice Vietnamese guy who runs the Chinese restaurant.

(U2 - Ultraviolet)

Got up at 6 o'clock this morning to get in to work extra early. I'm trying to work a really long day today so I can take off early afternoon tomorrow to meet up with Erin and Steve for lunch.

Magic tonight, lots of people coming over which is a good thing, although I'm basically going to have to rush straight home from work to make sure nobody's just hanging out in my apartment corridors waiting for me to come let them in.

(Ben Folds - Songs Of Love)

Ben Folds covering the Divine Comedy has to be one of the more brilliant things of recent times. Though not quite as brilliant as seeing Neil Hannon actually open (twice!) for Ben Folds on his solo tour a couple of summers ago.

It's taken listening to NPR again for me to remember why I never listened to NPR in the first place. It's so hushed quiet and stereotypically intellectual. I mean, I idenfity myself as liberal, I'm intellectual to an extent, I believe in liberal politics, but NPR just puts me to sleep. It's monotone and all of the announcers sound like they should be wearing tweed jackets with leather elbow patches and smoking pipes. They play trad jazz inbetween reports and interviews for crissakes! I don't know, it's just like it's telling me "if you're liberal and have some intellectual qualities, this is what you want to hear". Well, I also want to hear some pop music on the station, I want DJs to talk above a whisper, I want sports scores, and I also want the thoughtful commentary & interviews. If only someone could devise a hybrid between KMOX and NPR I'd be set. Sadly, that's never going to happen unless I do it myself.

(How We Live - Games In Germany)

There's a reshuffling of sorts going on at work right now. It's not a big deal, basically just a bunch of people are rotating to different jobs within the program, and a few have just left the program (mostly in the test department) altogether. So as a result of that and also of the anticipation of new business, they've hired like five or so new people. Several people here in the lab are being moved to a new mini-lab sort of thing in one of the old hallway offices, and some of the new hires will be put here in the main lab. I'm moving one cube over, mostly to take advantage of shelves and cabinets that don't hang directly over my head. This means I'll actually be able to use my cube lamp! In my current cube, the flouresecent light is attached to one of the cabinet things that hangs over my head and the computer monitor. If I turn it on, it makes the monitor flicker and warble to a very annoying extent. So yeah, movement. The halls here look like a dorm at the end of spring semester.

Oh, and I think I'm going to try to call dibs on this really nice chair one of my coworkers has. She's leaving to do SA work out at the base next week, so it should be up for grabs.

(Replacements - Can't Hardly Wait)

Ugh, I just remembered that I still have to finish my state taxes. I have another week, and it shouldn't take more than a few hours, but still. I should've just got 'em over with when I did my federal taxes two or three weeks ago. But no, I had to be a slacker. Stupid taxes. It's not even that I mind paying the money, it's just the hassle of actually doing the forms. I'd just take my stuff to a preparer, but that costs more than I'm willing to justify for something I can easily do myself. So I do it myself, but I complain about it. Yee hah!

(The Church - The Theatre And Its Double)

What a quagmire in Iraq. It really makes me sick...with every dead soldier I just think even more about how they really shouldn't have ever been over there in the first place. Of course, now that we are over there we just can't pack up and leave with the country in chaos. So I don't really agree with the "bring our troops home right now!" crowd, because we owe it to the Iraqis to try to put right what we put wrong. But at the same time I wish every single military person from every country in our cockeyed "coalition of the willing" could come home right this fucking second, and that every one that went home in a body bag wouldn't have had to gone in the first place. It just makes me ill, for real.

(Harry Nilsson - Everybody's Talkin')

Now it's time to get my work on again and try to speed up the passage of what I'm sure will be a monolithic working day.

then / now